Apr 20, 2009

Breaking News : Joni Resign

Dueerr!! Joni Resign?? kaget gak? kaget lah... kaget donk.. :p
Joni gitu lohh..

Gw juga ikut kaget, berita resignnya pas banget abis emaknya beliau yang dr Manila hijrah pulang.. Kirain pada ngapain ya ngumpul2 n rame banget di mejanya Nuri..taunya lagi pada itung2an kira2 berapakah pesangon nya si Joni..halaahh hahhaaha...

Weh ternyata Bapak TCPS Manager kita kahirnya memutuskan untuk lengser dari kursi kebesarannya di Target

Secara udah 10 taon lebih gitu di sini... *gajinya Joni berapa yak* hihiihhih..

Uhm Office bakal sepi niyh tanpa lu, Jon.. especially kalo pas lagi meeting or training..gak ada lagi yg asbun n ceplas ceplos gak jelas wakakaka..

Kalau kata of of TM "everything would not be the same anymore without Joni" cieeehh... itu kata Herry Teja begitu doi baca email Goodbye nya Joni.. :D

Well..tanpa banyak kata deh.. Good luck to you then ya Jon.. and thank you buat segala kontribusi yang udah di share ke kita-kita ini hihiiihihi.. *tar cari puisi ah buat Joni* :D

Oh ya ini gw quote sepatah dua patah kata perpisahan nya Joni..hikss..

Dear all,

I would like to inform all of you that my last day service with the Best Company Ever Target cooperation will be effective by May 15th ,2009

Every chapters is opening always have ending meeting but Life is stepping of many series. Time flows us every where according to our fate.

It was quite long way provide my contribution services with AMC and since 1998 changed company name to TSS./AMC. Time flows go by and I just realized that I have working almost 13 years with this company and I have learning a lot about the systems and coaching training provide by Target company which I can’t find in other company nowadays. It is very sad for me to say good bye to all of you that all of you have doing a lot of support to make me can successful year by year.

TSS/AMC I learned and gained much knowledge and experience that will be very useful for my future.

Working in TSS/AMC is very exciting. All working procedures and working facility already provided well and supported with many trainings that bring all team member to international level of qualification. The most impressive thing is social life of working. All team members are very Fast. Fun,& Friendly and respect each other, no gap between us, and never happen personal conflict.

We are really a happy big family. I here also express special sincere gratitude to Susan Ngan that builds this office as “A nice place to work”. Also big thanks to all team members for all your kindness and happiness that we ever shared together. I hope this good relationship is never ending. Any way nothing is perfect. Please accept my sincere apology if there something make you uncomfortable with my attitude so far.

Now my new step of series is coming. I have to go to another fate. I here would like to say goodbye to all of you in advance before I forget and see you any time. Please keep in touch wherever and whenever possible.

Have a nice weekend!!

Joni Lim

Good Luck, Joni !